Let me guess, you're winging it on Instagram?


Having a niche isn't a trend. It's proven to help you find the right customers. It allows you to establish yourself as the go-to in your field. It makes content creation easier. It improves your marketing and sales. It even reduces overwhelm and burnout.

Maybe you...

  • Feel like you could help so many people with your offer, but aren't reaching anyone
  • Are super consistent online and don't know why you aren't getting more sales
  • Are posting just to post and going through the motions with no real plan
  • Have no idea how to utilize Instagram to get in front of new people
  • Are so overwhelmed by advice that you aren't sure how to simplify your strategy

What if this was true instead?

  • You know exactly who you want to work with, and what you need to share, and say, to connect with them online
  • You feel more confident than ever in the value you're offering, and the connections you're making
  • Every new follow you receive is from a dream customer looking for exactly what you offer
  • Your messaging is so on point that your offer is irresistable to your audience
  • You easily utilize Instagram to get in front of the type of people you're dying to work with

I know you might have doubts, like...

  • I already know who I want to work with
  • There's enough free advice out there for me to figure it out on my own, or maybe most importantly...
  • Is making sales on Instagram even possible?

The answer is yes, and that is where Instagram with Intention comes in. Here's what you'll learn:

  • How to perfect your messaging so your audience goes from just wanting what you offer, to taking action because they know it's a non-negotiable for them
  • Simple steps to optimizing your profile so that every lead that comes in is HOT
  • Specific strategies to get your content in front of new eyes in simple but unique ways

Here's a closer look at what's inside:

And all these bonuses


Instagram with Intention workbook

Actionable worksheets to use every step of the way


15% off coupon

Use your discount on my site for branding, templates, coaching or courses!


Free IG Audit

Upon completion of the course, I will review your new profile and content!

Let's see what former students have said:

I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who is new to Instagram or new to using Instagram for their business. Not only did I learn more about Instagram itself, Laura helped me to clarify my audience. The tools she provides are also transferable to other platforms. Completely worth it!

Testimonials submitted anonymously after a

beta launch of the Instagram with Intention Course

"I learned so much from Laura’s course!! It really helped give me insight as to how IG works and what you have to do to really build your audience on this platform. It really gave me a chance to pause and reflect on my niche and built my confidence in focusing on a specific target audience so I can speak to them when promoting my work, not just on IG but also in all my marketing. I learned some wonderful easy tips and tricks I’ve already been able to implement and some big picture ideas that will really help me protect my energy as I build my business."


with Hype Girl Social

Hi, I’m Laura. For the past 10 years I’ve been earning an income on social media. I’ve learned the ins and outs of selling on social, the ever changing platform that is Instagram, and the importance of having a strategy and not just winging it. Being a stay at home, homeschooling mom of two, I want the time that I spend working online to be effective. I put mental health at the forefront of what I do, and that is why teaching a proven marketing strategy to small business owners is so important to me. Outside of work you can find me working out, drinking coffee, travelling the country or binge watching reality tv shows. That is, when I'm not making food that the tiny humans refuse to eat, or designing something in Canva!

So... imagine this...

You log into your social media and find several new followers. At a glance you can tell they're exactly the people you're looking for. Your DM's have multiple unread messages from people asking what the next step in working with you is. Most importantly, you're happy and healthy and content with the time and effort you spend on social media for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this for experienced business owners?

This course leans towards beginners, OR those looking to rebrand or niche down. If you don't feel like you're SOLID in knowing who your dream customers are and how to write captions and utilize Instagram features to attract them, then this course can absolutely still help you.

Will this help me in my social selling business?

Having a niche in social selling is more important than ever. After all, you have hundreds-thousands of other people selling the EXACT same product as you. Getting clear on what makes you different, and the people that you want to help most, will put you ahead of the pack.

Is this for me if I've already done a coaching session with you?

This course utilizes the same outline as I have in my 1:1 coaching. I would not recommend this course for someone who has completed the intensive training, unless you would like a refresher, or have a new business idea and want to work the system to build your new brand.

Will this help me if I use Facebook more than Instagram?

All concepts in module 1 (lessons 1-3) are applicable to any platform. Some concepts in module 2 are applicable as well. However, the lesson on optimizing your profile, and hashtags are Instagram specific.

Will this help me if I don't have a business YET?

Absolutely! Getting clear on your mission statement, your target audience, and what makes you different from competitors BEFORE launching your business will be extremely helpful in having an effective social media presence from the start.

Do you accept venmo payments?

Yes if paying in full. Venmo payment can be sent to @hypegirlsocial


Nailing your niche and positioning yourself as the perfect fit for a specific audience not only establishes your credibility but also results in a more focused business that makes more money.

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